
The first step
toward change
is awareness...


Our mission

To enable people all over the world to understand the current environmental and societal challenges in an…
... ultra accessible
... engaging
... and motivating way!

A unique experience that will change your view of the world and your role, in less than 90 minutes. Each session proposes an emotionally moving story thanks to a large drawing and the awakening of our collective engagement.

Let's accelerate the transition to a more sustainable society together!

A unique experience

Simplify to better understand

At Planet On Stage, we believe in the power of high-impact public speaking, simplifying the often complex and depressing environmental and societal issues to convince people of the importance of our collective commitment.

Visual & interactive storytelling

A unique emotional journey run in a positive manner which will make you want to go further. Let the magic of interactive and collective storytelling move you!

A short format!

Each conference is short (60 to 90 minutes) for a maximum accessibility, depending on your schedule.

Planet On Stage in numbers...

15 873





Pitchers (trained Conference Speakers)

What our customers say

  • "1 hour chrono accessible to all to awaken consciousness, open your chakras to the climate emergency!" Pedagogy and collective strength in the service of the preservation of the planet in order to then take action."

    Agnès C.
    Environmental Performance Program Manager, SNCF Planète Voyages

  • "The Climate Pitch is a very useful tool to raise awareness around climate change as it allows in a short and interactive way to reach several hundreds of people at the same time while stimulating them to act. It is a very good complement to the Climate Fresk. Sandra and Frederic have conceived a pedagogical platform and workshop which combines both vulgarisation and interaction."

    Agathe Ruckebusch
    CSR strategy management manager at Leroy Merlin

  • "During the Climate Pitch team session, we were not only able to raise awareness among our clients, but also among our teams to have a more sustainable approach. Very often, people are lost in these environmental issues and Sandra and Quynh's very pragmatic and participative approach helps to understand in simple steps, the explanation of the current situation and the corrective actions to be considered. We have had very positive feedback from our top management, but also from some large clients who have felt more inclined to take concrete action on a personal and professional level."

    Marie-Joséphine Beguin
    Head of European Strategic Marketing & Product Development - LG Business Solutions

Planet On Stage is present in 15 countries


And translated into 5 languages


They took part in the change with us

Supporting each other... our partners!


Want to support us?

Do not hesitate to join us, either as a member and / or by helping with a donation. For more information, go to the Association page.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead, American Anthropologist
